NYT - Young Adult Hardcover

New York Times - Young Adult Hardcover

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 10 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "The grandest game"
Star rating for The grandest game
Grandest game volume 1.
#1 on the Young Adult Hardcover list for 2024-09-08. Last week it was ranked 1. It has been on the list for 4 week(s).
"Players compete for millions in a game of riddles orchestrated by Avery and the Hawthorne brothers, but not everyone is playing by the rules"-- Seven tickets. An island of dreams. The chance of a lifetime. Welcome to the Grandest Game, an annual competition run by billionaire Avery Grambs and the four infamous Hawthorne brothers, whose family fortune she inherited. Designed to give anyone a shot at fame and fortune, this year's game requires one...
Book cover for "The reappearance of Rachel Price"
Star rating for The reappearance of Rachel Price
#2 on the Young Adult Hardcover list for 2024-09-08. Last week it was ranked 2. It has been on the list for 21 week(s).
When her mother, who disappeared 16 years before, reappears while a true crime documentary about her case is being filmed, 18-year-old Bel, not buying her mom's unbelievable story about what happened to her, must uncover the real reason Rachel Price is back from the dead.