NYT - Young Adult Hardcover

New York Times - Young Adult Hardcover

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Book cover for "The extraordinary disappointments of Leopold Berry"
Star rating for The extraordinary disappointments of Leopold Berry
Sunderworld volume 1.
#10 on the Young Adult Hardcover list for 2024-10-06. Last week it was ranked 9. It has been on the list for 4 week(s).
Seventeen-year-old Leopold Berry is seeing weird things around Los Angeles. A man who pops a tooth into a parking meter. A glowing trapdoor in a parking lot. A half-mechanical raccoon with its tail on fire that just won't leave him alone. Every hallucinatory moment seems plucked from a cheesy 1990s fantasy TV show called Max's Adventures in Sunderworld--and that's because they are. Not a good sign. In the blurry weeks after his mother's death, a young...