NYT - Young Adult Hardcover

New York Times - Young Adult Hardcover

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 10 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "The reappearance of Rachel Price"
Star rating for The reappearance of Rachel Price
#5 on the Young Adult Hardcover list for 2024-10-06. Last week it was ranked 7. It has been on the list for 25 week(s).
When her mother, who disappeared 16 years before, reappears while a true crime documentary about her case is being filmed, 18-year-old Bel, not buying her mom's unbelievable story about what happened to her, must uncover the real reason Rachel Price is back from the dead.
Book cover for "The extraordinary disappointments of Leopold Berry"
Star rating for The extraordinary disappointments of Leopold Berry
Sunderworld volume 1.
#10 on the Young Adult Hardcover list for 2024-10-06. Last week it was ranked 9. It has been on the list for 4 week(s).
Seventeen-year-old Leopold Berry is seeing weird things around Los Angeles. A man who pops a tooth into a parking meter. A glowing trapdoor in a parking lot. A half-mechanical raccoon with its tail on fire that just won't leave him alone. Every hallucinatory moment seems plucked from a cheesy 1990s fantasy TV show called Max's Adventures in Sunderworld--and that's because they are. Not a good sign. In the blurry weeks after his mother's death, a young...